Sunday, September 11, 2011

to free herself of echos, haunts,
specters, ghouls, ghosts, and fears - she shouldered her weapon of choice

a dreamcatcher's web of finely woven strands
given to her by the Creator

the nightmares, spun and buzzed and dodged and struck
but then they were stuck
arrested in flight, unable to continue tearing at her hair
unable to keep beating at her with their foggy wings - their accusations leaving streaks of tar and feathers across her shoulders and back
clutching her skin with their talons - pulling and slicing until her skin parted and the life blood welled up 

they screeched as they dangled suspended in the dreamcatcher. She covered her ears and then threw the dreamcatcher in the nearest trashcan
it clanged as she victoriously slammed the lid upon them. silence fell
and for the first time in a long long time 
she saw clearly

She turned and looked to the past

her shadow halted, mid momentum
and she held out her hand, waveringly
afraid to watch the silhouette turn and run again - run forever and never look back
or worse
disintegrate into a cloud of ash when she reached for it

she dropped to her knees instead
and waited for the sun to set

and her shadow crept closer,
                                           and closer
like a spooked horse, curious to see what had changed

until at last it nuzzled her outstretched hand
and in her mind flashed a hundred brilliant images
vivid autumn leaves whirled around her, sweeping her hair up to join their glorious dance
the wind tickled and caressed her skin
she felt a hand, warm and real, entwined with her own
and attached to that hand was an arm
and attached to that arm was a body
and inside that body was a soul
that loved her

and they lived happily ever after.
the end

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