Sunday, November 13, 2011

deep but dazzling darkness

I glimpsed Eternity the other night
like a ring of pure and endless light,
becalmed, divine insight

and round beneath it Time, in hours, days, years,
empowered by the spheres
like a vast shadow trailed, in which the world
and all her claim were hurled.

There is in God some say
a deep but dazzling darkness
a bottomless well of significance
a velvet death to pride

There stood the King of glory on his throne
the motes of starlight trembled, dimly shone
pure, resounding, infinite tone
their silent song of praise heartfelt response
awestruck by majesty

O for  that endless night where I in Him
might rest invisible and dim

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


I'm done.
I'm turning in my badge,
my stethoscope,
my x-ray and hammer,
my paints and paintbrushes,
my dagger,
my dirk,
my running shoes,
my pencils,
my books,
my food,
my water,
my shade
and last of all my warmth.

I resign.
Thank you for promoting my brief stay/employment.
