Monday, October 31, 2011


They said it would be a walk to remember,
the voices in my head.

They were right of course;
They always are.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Thursday, October 6, 2011

death is a handsome fellow - Hercule's lament

I am indestructible
bronze-bruised sinew
varnished pewter fangs.
my tendons slice cheese.
full to the rim with vain gray matter,
saving the world is never hard when you're
bent on self destruction.

I am embarrassed
by their neon stares
will they destroy me with their headlines?
molten gold lacquers my throat.
and makes it hard to speak.
do I dare disturb the universe?
notorious for my strategy and for my flippant hair,
I find no solace in their acid regard.

I am a hero
with no ulterior motive, my pregnant mind
labels and categorizes Samson's strengths
subtracts Delilah's lashes
and multiplies them by ten.
I can name the date and method of my execution.
That's gratitude for you.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Once Upon A December

ON a small
'painted ship
Land recedes in the distance

Farther South
Long since past
Spring has flown to the netherworld

Winter comes and wraps us all
Snow drifts down and the ship is froze
Ice has trapped us in the sea
Winter's come to destroy us all

Lost at sea
No place to go
Hunger gnaws at our bellies

We've come so far
with so far to go
Sun come quickly and spring return

Then the captain dreams a dream
Wild and crazy
an escapist scheme
Creates a nooze and flings it faaaaar
He catches the sun and makes it ours

(to be sung to ^ once upona december)